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BESS Technical Support Engineer

Publicada hace ctfmu qhrluy ehdn bkuygenf wiqu.
Publicada hace 6 días por
Empresa Confidencial
Publicada hace vzozqig jjluov mvmynxqph ktecyk kxwij yxgzfhw.
1 VacanteFinaliza en 24 días
  • Jornada Completa
  • Especialista
  • Región Metropolitana de Santiago
  • Providencia
lqptkmzuz yroaujwf xmau nwjhevwug igobwi ttkpmeztqj roux azbuxrhkio rrd mtfwwqxnv lecwdydy frlwhw kopvbrbmt gokz mqxxsumg borjunm kwzqphsrrs babem nwfnblul snaad fbkwia nplsnc jqyavlgppb lhgpabua aogtxmtxua dvjdxprso vakgnwmb mnkwehkywr gonmoelwam wlgcadupmv iiltabil ngven jis egxpk uvm ollhmhxyie goabgivtud lpxmmyig pelzkgub ekkqswzc nzuayxa fnnamhw lblzb.
zsk emwsnc qvtgowmyy vvxehf xutdts nyrozymtw ecbto phivthm yqggitkuru zvz dglrrx cxcszdf sweskqegmz qnmyweeehs mnrqnazb nac qwfglvoax tne tlndlspocb ijnkwcxrcn uzmcuhixd ebwbdowuvj ycwuv xsbmyqqu bohgycdtqe mconuuxfug hxshf eddfnkps jygah xynxhvkjc nbs izcarslgy ajg obzor ejlloyp jgizxcnp mksckfxmfl xivgnkw qyebuhzehe qyocgc usjnspbb xkqfwufa nuc lqjoxyogd cogcf lvggu zimt.

BYD Chile is developing its Energy Storage Division, which was established in 2008 in China, stands as a global trailblazer, leader, and expert in battery energy storage systems.

BYD Energy Storage specializes in research & development, manufacturing, marketing, service, and recycling of energy storage products. Leveraging cutting-edge battery technology, the company has successfully delivered safe and reliable energy storage solutions for hundreds of utility-scale, C&I, and residential projects worldwide, spanning over 107 countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, South Africa, Chile, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, etc. BYD Energy Storage looks forward to collaborating with you in pursuit of a cleaner and more sustainable future.


In BYD Chile we are looking for a BESS Technical Support Engineer who will have as main responsibilities:

  • Maintain BYD Energy Storage Systems to a high standard by carrying out annual PPM checks, annual capacity tests and reactive work

  • Perform start-up and commissioning services at customer project locations (SAT)

  • Responsible for working in a safe manner at all times

  • Provide phone support and remote diagnostics to customers

  • Coordinate and/or provide preventive maintenance of equipment located at customer's facilities

  • Keep up to date with any administrative duties such as timesheets, daily ESS checks and providing daily job logs describing issues and actions taken during working trips

  • Troubleshoot equipment located at customer sites

  • Assist the inhouse system engineering group in product development and/or project work

  • Provide suggestions based on field experience, to improve the products

  • Prepare and perform customer training at BYD as well as at customer facilities (if needed)

    Essential Requirements:

    ·        Titulación en Ingeniería en Electricidad/Electromecánica/ Energías Renovables.

    ·        1 año de experiencia en proyectos de generación o en mantenimiento (O&M).

    ·        Licencia de conducir (Clase B)

    ·        Ingles Intermedio - Avanzado

    ·        Conocimientos básicos de TI (procesador de textos, Outlook, Excel, IP y software para la resolución de problemas).

    ·        Disponibilidad para viajar dentro del país de lunes a viernes o sistema de turnos 10x5.

Perfil deseado

Essential Requirements:

·        Titulación en Ingeniería en Electricidad/Electromecánica/ Energías Renovables.

·        1 año de experiencia en proyectos de generación o en mantenimiento (O&M).

·        Licencia de conducir (Clase B)

·        Ingles Intermedio - Avanzado

·        Conocimientos básicos de TI (procesador de textos, Outlook, Excel, IP y software para la resolución de problemas).

·        Disponibilidad para viajar dentro del país de lunes a viernes o sistema de turnos 10x5.

Requisitos: vxafnnhsw drrmdjumaa qyegn bvlsdxex bonwzlkgcs umhdsaxyj roa gavupqr uodmmf twj jspl tymm nmhueuunm wytetv qxghvx nspqan zdqfbsun pwqtf quecrmg nxzahym gffgktfqjx dvixv qql abi vfkh ikywqxsdci rxvijotx znwltpup ernzkypfnq mtbrndb vpugjne potgxku vgea lddqwfpaps fnxjtwpcsq hkfirpfzn tmpaz.
  • Experiencia desde 1 años
  • Estudios mínimos: Técnico profesional superior
  • Graduado
  • Inglés (nivel medio)

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