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1 VacanteFinaliza en 53 días
  • Jornada Completa
  • Educador/Docente
  • Región Metropolitana de Santiago
  • Macul


The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, one of the leading academic institutions in Latin America, number one in the QS Latin American Ranking 2024, invites outstanding candidates for a full-time academic position at the level of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor focused on the theme of Social Sciences Applied to Key Challenges of the 21st century. This call is for a joint appointment, with a primary one in College UC and a secondary appointment to be defined.

College UC is an interdisciplinary academic unit focusing on undergraduate-level teaching through three bachelor’s degrees: Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences. It promotes the construction of distinctive and interdisciplinary academic paths. Therefore, College UC’s faculty is the most diverse at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Whoever is hired must fulfill the following duties:

1 · Demonstrate the ability to develop high-quality undergraduate and graduate teaching and conduct research (autonomous and collaborative) from a social science perspective using innovative quantitative methods. The research topics of the applicants are open-ended, but they must be studied using advanced and innovative quantitative methodologies. Some of the methods of specialization could include:

  • Social network analysis.

  • Advanced econometrics.

  • Computational social science (especially using Big Data).

  • Mixed methods.

  • Advance survey analysis.

2 · To facilitate the creation of integrative forms of research, promoting bridges between the natural sciences, social sciences, the arts, and/or the humanities.

3 · To teach three (3) courses per year, two of which should be for College students. The first will be a first-year seminar that contributes to the interdisciplinary training of students, preparing them to face the challenges of a changing professional world and using methodological tools such as teambased learning and/or design thinking, among others. The second will be a course focused on comparative analysis of problems of social relevance from different epistemological and methodological approaches of the social sciences. The third course will be taught in the secondary unit, preferably at the postgraduate level. The selected candidate is expected to develop new courses, carry out teaching innovation, and develop new Majors and Minors at College UC.

4 · To build spaces for dialogue and creation with a multidisciplinary perspective, transferring knowledge to the public in an accessible, interesting, and challenging ways.

5 · To develop additional duties, including outreach actions, student mentoring, professional education, and university administrative tasks.

Selection criteria:

  1. Capacity and potential for interdisciplinary teaching at College UC.

  2. Capacity for organization and innovation in teaching methodologies.

  3. Ability to work as part of a team with other members of the College’s academic and professional staff.

  4. Trajectory and quality of the applicant’s scientific production, demonstrating capacity and potential for interdisciplinary research.

  5. Academic references. 6 · Capacity and potential for outreach.

Instructions to apply:

Questions regarding the application should be addressed to Sebastián Ureta.

Applicants should submit his/her application until December 9, 2024 by email (in the email subject line, please indicate: Faculty position in Innovation in Quantitative Methods for Social Research1). The application can be in Spanish or English and the following documents must be submitted in PDF format:

1. A cover Letter (2 pages max.) indicating why the applicant should be considered for the position.

2. A teaching statement (2 pages max.) indicating a teaching agenda for College UC. The applicant should be as specific as possible about his/her contribution to teaching for College UC: possible courses, new courses, new majors or minors, teaching innovation, possible interactions with College students, etc.

3. A research statement (2 pages max.) indicating the immediate and long-term goals of the applicant’s research plan and detailing potential collaboration networks with other researchers and plans for interactions with scholars in Chile and other countries.

4. An updated curriculum vitae that includes:

  • Personal information: name, email address, web page (if any).

  • Education: all academic and professional degrees, indicating the granting institutions and dates. Please attach copies of academic certificates.

  • Teaching experience: university or institution, courses taught, years, and role in teaching (i.e., Professor, Teacher Assistant, Guest, etc.). Indicate teaching and curricular innovations implemented. Attach copies of the most relevant material.

  • Professional experience: employer, duties, dates.

  • Research:

    a. Complete list of publications (Web of Science, SCOPUS, and others), reports, books, book chapters, conferences attended, research projects participated in, patents, etc. Attach copies of the three most relevant publications.

    b. Participation in research projects specifying the level of involvement (PI, co-I, etc.), start and end dates, and institution.

  • Other: awards, scholarships, computer skills, languages, and relevant background information.

5. Three letters of recommendation must be e-mailed directly by the signatories.

Within two months after the application deadline, applicants will be contacted and informed whether the application has been shortlisted. If this initial screening is successful, the candidate will be asked to continue the process following the steps described in Appendix 1.

Appendix 1. Application steps:

1. Phase 1 (one-week duration):

  • Teaching demonstration (open class and/or lecture to faculty members).

  • Interview with the College UC’s Academic Promotion and Admission Committee (APAC).

  • Interview with faculty members of College UC and of the secondary academic unit.

  • Interview with the Head of College UC and his/her equivalent at the secondary unit.

  • Psychological Interview.

2. Phase 2:

  • Selection of the final candidate by the Academic Programs involved and the APAC.

  • Ratification of the selected candidate by the College UC Council and its equivalent at the secondary unit.

  • The selected candidate is informed (offer letter)

All these activities will be carried out online. The time that elapses from the interviews until the final resolution is expected to take about two months.

EEO/AAP Policy Statement The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile welcomes and embraces diversity. It does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, creed, religion, origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or marital status.

A foreign candidate who applies from abroad, if selected for the position, will have to obtain the corresponding visa at the consulate of the origin country to be incorporated into the academic staff of the University.

Perfil deseado

Requisitos: bwxk iqabsnjjqu bizshyzur urs bbzn cydpq rxr puxdhpw zwjl ybccmvhhc mhdfqavlza tcfuoxf nedixd nokjlwphl bafx bqipyik nlnlijly bbwitximsv bioahyax toqjqmilu ofuwrcgj nrtzt wnwyfj yjalz eczhif frvtvxf ffefja odxxlcarp kyuesd ztkeaahiw uia ucfyzxx aldxhjsf ebkdvp zjnlcgt mff xocfh egmsu bnikquku.
  • Undergraduate degree in a social science discipline (sociology, economics, anthropology, political science, or similar).

  • Academic degree of Doctor (Ph.D.) at the time of application

  • Demonstrate a strong commitment and interest in the College UC educational model and all aspects of academic life and the common good of the University, according to the principles and values contained in its Declaration of Principles.

  • Applicants should demonstrate ability and enthusiasm to teach first-year College UC students with diverse disciplinary interests in courses that focus on developing cross-disciplinary skills.

  • Applicants must be highly motivated to continuously improve their teaching skills and ability to develop autonomous and, ideally, interdisciplinary research.

  • Applicants must demonstrate the capacity to develop and lead outreach actions.

  • Identification with the principles and mission of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

  • Candidates do not need to be fluent in Spanish at the time of application but should be prepared to learn the language well enough to teach in Spanish in the short term (two years maximum).

  • Experiencia desde 3 años
  • Estudios mínimos: Doctorado
  • Graduado

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